Фотородословная - Sunhaze Surprise Surprise

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Sunhaze Surprise Surprise

Title: Ch: ENG
Sex: Сука
Date of birth: 09.10.1995
Color: черно-подпалый
Owner: J Armstrong
Breeder: Hewart-Chambers
Title: Ch: ENG
Malynsa Madrigal
Classridge Carbon Copy Teilwood Fruit Polo
Landmark Moonlight
Classridge Cosiety Classridge Culture Club
Aravorny Careless Rapture Title: Ch: ENG
Benjamin Of Ralines
Aravorny Wanton Abandon
Lauralee Lady Hamilton At Sunhaze Sunhaze Sogoahead Sid At Lauralee Classridge Culture Club
Sunhaze Such A Softee
D'Arisca Charisma At Lauralee Sontag Super Sleuth
Title: Ch: ENG
Sontag Super Sleuth
Ladiv Liberal Leader
Sontag Social Climber
D'Arisca D'Luxe

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