Таксы мира / World's Dachshunds - Nasus Rowena Wallace

Dog info | Pedigree | Photo pedigree | Dogs

Nasus Rowena Wallace

Nasus Rowena Wallace

Title: Ch: AUS
Sex: Сука
Date of birth: 24.06.1986
Color: рыжий
Sire: Millewa Gold Soveriegn
Dam: Nasus Katherine Hepburn

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Nasus Rowena Wallace Nasus Rowena Wallace

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PhotoDog nameSexBirthdateOwnerBreederParent
Nasus Demi Moore Nasus Demi Moore Сука 24.12.1994 Nasus James Garner
Nasus Kirsty Ally Nasus Kirsty Ally Сука 24.12.1993 Nasus James Garner
info Nasus Peter O'Toole Кобель 26.01.1991 Hampdach Royal Parade

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